‘Don’t feel insecure, here for you’

Update: 2016-12-23 12:55 GMT

Bengaluru, December 22: “Don’t feel insecure” Chief Minister of Karnataka State Siddaramaiah told a large pre-Christmas gathering hosted by Archbishop of Bangalore Dr. Bernard Moras December 22nd evening at the premises of St. Germain Institution premises about a mile from the Archbishops House.

The State political head was assuring a gathering of at least 1000 people including dignitaries in the State Bureaucracy and Police force. “There is sometimes a feeling of insecurity among the minorities, but I assure you that our government (Congress Government) is committed to ensure the dignity and respect of people of all religions. Whether it is Muslim, Christian or Hindu, minority or majority community, we consider it our duty to protect all communities. The Christmas message is that Jesus Christ came for all people. It is the duty of any government to ensure religious harmony and peaceful co-existence of all people” the Chief Minister added.

Archbishop Moras who welcomed the Chief Minister in his message to the gathering expressed confidence that the Chief Minister ensured the respect, dignity and safety of the Christian community and other minority communities. “The message of Christmas is to create among all people a spirit of love and service” the Prelate said adding “Jesus came not for any particular caste or religion but to establish peace among all people and to dispel darkness by spreading joy and an ambience of unselfishness”. 

 “I consider it a singular privilege to thank the honorable Chief Minister and his cabinet ministers for working towards the security of minorities” the Archbishop said while wishing the gathering the peace of Christmas and blessings for the new year.

Statesmen, top bureaucrats, police officers heads and superiors of various Catholic institutions, religious leaders from other denominations and the Archdiocesan Curia members were among those who participated in the celebrations. The cultural presentations included performances from African Nationals and North Easterners studying in the city and performances from neighboring parishes and schools. 

It may be noted that the Archdiocese has embarked on the initiative to provide help to over a 1000 economically poor families to celebrate Christmas. The initiative of distribution of hampers and financial help has been entrusted to the Bangalore Catholic Charismatic Renewal services and the Society of Vincent De Paul.             


Writer - ವಾರ್ತಾಭಾರತಿ


Editor - ವಾರ್ತಾಭಾರತಿ


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